Midwife Jobs & Recruitment in the UK

Explore rewarding midwife jobs in the UK. Your World offers competitive salaries & opportunities for midwifery careers. Join us today!

What is a Midwife?

Midwives are highly trained professionals who provide care and support to expectant mothers throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period. Midwives work closely with the wider maternity team to ensure a safe and positive birthing experience for mothers and their babies.

The role of Midwives in maternal care

Midwives are essential members of the maternity care team, offering expert guidance and assistance to expectant mothers at every stage of their journey. Their dedication to maternal health and well-being contributes to healthier outcomes for mothers and babies.

Some of their daily duties include:

Prenatal care:

  • Conducting regular prenatal check-ups to monitor the health of the pregnant woman and the developing fetus
  • Performing medical assessments, including measuring vital signs, conducting ultrasounds, and ordering necessary tests
  • Providing guidance on nutrition, exercise, and overall wellness during pregnancy

Labour and birth:

  • Monitoring the progress of labour and assessing the well-being of both the mother and baby
  • Providing emotional support and pain management techniques to the labouring woman
  • Assisting with natural childbirth, including positions, breathing techniques, and relaxation methods
  • Administering certain medications or interventions as necessary and within their scope of practice

Postpartum care:

  • Providing immediate care to the newborn, including evaluating their health and conducting initial assessments
  • Offering postpartum care and guidance to the mother, including breastfeeding support, emotional support, and advice on recovery

Health education and counselling:

  • Educating pregnant women and their families about childbirth, postpartum care, infant care, and family planning
  • Discussing birth options and helping mothers make informed decisions about their care

Complication management and referrals:

  • Identifying any complications or high-risk situations during pregnancy, labour, or postpartum, and taking appropriate actions
  • Collaborating with obstetricians, perinatologists, or other specialists when complications arise that fall outside the midwife's scope of practice

Documentation and record-keeping:

  • Maintaining accurate and comprehensive records of prenatal care, labour, birth, and postpartum care
  • Ensuring that all relevant information is properly documented for legal and medical purposes

Continuing education:

  • Staying up-to-date with the latest developments in midwifery practices, medical guidelines, and relevant research
  • Participating in ongoing training and professional development to maintain and enhance skills  

Qualifications for midwifery

To become a midwife, registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and relevant midwifery qualifications are required. Midwives should possess excellent communication, empathy, problem-solving skills, and the ability to provide emotional support to expectant mothers and their families.

Types of midwifery jobs 

There are various roles and specialties within the midwifery field:

  •  Labour and Delivery Midwives: Empowering mothers during childbirth, ensuring a safe and positive delivery experience.
  •  Antenatal Midwives: Providing prenatal care and guidance for expectant mothers, ensuring a healthy pregnancy journey.
  •  Postnatal Midwives: Offering post-birth care and support to new mothers and their babies, including assistance with breastfeeding, newborn care, and postpartum recovery.
  •  Home Birth Midwives: Supporting women who choose the comfort of their homes for childbirth, providing expert care and ensuring safety during home deliveries.

Typical salary for midwives in the UK

The salary of a Midwife in the UK can vary depending on experience, location, and the healthcare setting. Newly qualified midwives can expect a starting salary of around £24,907 per year, while experienced midwives can earn up to £45,753 per year or more. Midwives in the NHS can expect to be paid in line with the official Agenda for Change (AfC) banding system, which determines salaries based on a Midwife's experience and seniority. Midwives can expect to begin their careers at Band 5 with the opportunity to increase their band with additional training. 

Explore the flexibility of locum Midwife jobs 

Locum Midwife jobs offer an excellent option for those seeking more flexibility and diverse experiences. As a locum Midwife, you can cover temporary vacancies in different healthcare settings, gain valuable experience, and earn higher rates.

 Your World - your partner in midwifery

At Your World, we offer excellent midwifery jobs with competitive salaries, benefits, and career growth opportunities. We recognise the dedication of midwives and support them in finding their ideal roles, ensuring they thrive in their careers and positively impact maternal care across the UK.

Join Your World now and embark on a fulfilling journey as a midwife, providing specialised care and support to expectant mothers and their newborns.