A&E Nurse Jobs & Recruitment in the UK

Seeking UK A&E nursing roles? Find full-time, part-time, or locum positions with Your World Nursing.

A&E Nurse jobs 

If you’re a qualified A&E Nurse, Your World Nursing can help you find a fantastic role in a local NHS hospital. Our team is committed to sourcing the highest quality roles throughout the UK, so you can rest assured that a Your World placement is one you can trust.

Key details about the role: 

An A&E Nurse works in the Accident & Emergency (A&E) department of a hospital. As an A&E Nurse, you’ll provide emergency care to patients with acute injuries or illnesses. As you might expect, A&E patients are often extremely anxious or could be suffering from high levels of pain, which is why you must be able to communicate with them effectively and keep them as calm as possible.

You could be dealing with patients in one of two ways. If a patient arrives via an ambulance, the Paramedics will brief you, and you may have to make extremely quick decisions about how to accelerate treatment. You may also be required to run a triage, where you’ll pre-assess patients who have arrived at the A&E department without ambulance assistance. This helps to ensure that patients are seen in order of the severity of their emergency.

Due to the high-stress, fast-paced nature of an A&E nursing role, the ability to think on your feet and make quick decisions is critical and could determine whether a patient lives or dies. The decisions you will need to make will include assessing the severity of a patient’s condition and determining which doctor to refer each emergency patient to.  

Your role will also include completing paperwork and discharge forms, administering medication, dressing or re-dressing wounds, referring patients to other departments, making detailed notes, and communicating with families to keep them informed. 

What does an A&E Nurse earn? 

NHS nurses are paid according to their ‘band’. Newly qualified nurses will start at Band 5 and increase their band with further experience and nursing skills development. A Band 5 A&E Nurse will earn £25,655* per year for a permanent contract. Locum A&E nurses have the ability to earn a higher annual salary. 

*Salaries calculated to the official NHS payscale for 2021/22

Locum A&E Nurse jobs 

As a locum A&E Nurse with Your World, you could earn a higher annual salary than nurses working in permanent NHS contracts. Instead of working in one hospital for a contracted set of hours, you’ll take on ad-hoc shifts in multiple settings. The benefits include a more flexible work/life balance (you decide what shifts you take on), daily or weekly payroll, and the chance to experience multiple A&E settings. For more details about our current locum A&E opportunities, chat with one of our consultants today.

The Your World difference 

As a nurse, you work hard every day for your patients, which is why we make it our business to look after you! Our team members are trained to find you your perfect role in a location that works for you. And as a member of every major UK nursing framework, we can provide a wider range of high-quality A&E roles at great rates. That’s the Your World difference.

We’ve also created the Your Loyalty scheme, which gives you the chance to win amazing prizes just by working your usual shifts. You’ll be automatically enrolled into the scheme after working your first shift with us, which means you could be the lucky winner of a spa break, shopping spree or weekend abroad thanks to just one shift!